Medicine is the science that studies the prevention and cure of diseases. It aims to maintain and restore health and, to this end, explores the physical, chemical and biological processes of life, the structures and functions of the body, the causes and mechanisms of disease, and the means of diagnosing, treating and preventing them. Discover more about this with our nursing course.
By completing this course, you will have access to various career opportunities in this field. For example, child protection with young people in care, older people, people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health difficulties, homeless people, people with drug dependencies, or any other group of people with specialist needs.
The nurse is a staff that provides medical care to the sick. Its role is to monitor patients constantly, perform treatments, perform some medical or surgical manoeuvres, and monitor the complications that occur in a patient during hospitalisation and the accidents that may occur during treatment.
The nurse must be well prepared professionally to know the pathology and emergency therapy to provide first aid until the arrival of the doctor. In conclusion, the role of a nurse is essential in medicine; you have to be highly communicative to get along quickly with the patients, have empathy, have critical thinking and creativity in problem-solving, and have attitude and confidence.
Who is the Nursing Course for?
The one-year Nursing Course is ideal for people who like interacting with others. If you are a friendly, patient person who wants to help marginalised and vulnerable people in society, this is the right course for you.
In the first semester, you will develop a Practice Skills Portfolio that helps you to reflect and make the best use of supervision.
Course Length: 1 year;
Start dates: January / April / August / September;