
Study computer game animation at Anglia Ruskin

Gaming is one of the most interesting and most fun industries out there at the moment. It is also one of the best paying. That’s why so many students choose to study courses that allow them to step into this awesome, new field. So here’s a tip that we have for you. Do you want to work in the world of computer gaming? You can. All you have to do is to sign up for a course of computer game animation at Anglia Ruskin University.

So why computer game animation and not just programming? You need programming in order to create computer games, right? Yes. However, if you just go into programming, you limit yourself. With computer game animation, not only will you get the practical skills needed for the development of computer games, but you will also collect a range of creative and technical skills such as 3D modelling, 2D/3D animation, Games Design and Concept Art. Once you complete the course, you will be ready to start a career in the Digital Animation and Game Design industries.

About Computer Game Animation

A Computer Game Animation course will provide you with education and training in thetheory and practice of Computer Game Animation. You will become proficient in computer games design, computer games development, 3D Design, and 2D & 3D Computer Animation, and will learn to useindustry standard software such as, Adobe Creative Suite (Master Collection), Maya 3D, Unity and Games Salad.

As with most courses offered by universities in the UK, the Computer Game Animation course placesemphasis on the development ofwork related skills.The programme will be mainly based around the artistic elements of games design, covering concept art, illustration, storyboarding, level design, digital sculpting, 3D computer modelling, texturing, light, rigging and animation.

Why study Computer Game Animation at Anglia Ruskin

But maybe you’re wondering why you should study this course at Anglia Ruskin University. The short answer is because it is one of the popular courses offered by this university to international and European students. Their course is accredited by TIGA. And this is not all.

Anglia Ruskin might just be the best place for studying Computer Games Animation. The East of England has 135 companies dedicated to the development of computer games. And some of these, famous developers such as Jagex, Frontier Developments and Ninja Theory, are located in Cambridge. But this is for when you finish the course.

During the duration of the course, you will be studying Computer Games Animation at the new Compass House Games Center, where you will have access to audio and music technology recording studios, sport and exercise science labs, and computer science/gaming labs. It really is a great place to study.

So if you’re ready to step into the wold of Computer Games, just give us a call and we will help set you on your way.

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