
What are the requirements to study in the UK

So you’re thinking about studying in the UK. Congratulations! Most European students are thinking about the same thing. The United Kingdom is one of the best places on Earth, if not the best, to study and grow as a professional. But just like many other European students, you’re probably also wondering what are the requirements to study in the UK in 2022. Well, don’t worry about it. We are here to help you out.

You should know from the start that the uk university entry requirements vary depending on numerous things. The type of the course you want to attend is important. So is the academic level, so is your nationality and, of course, the university you pick. Why is this? It’s because UK universities are allowed to set their own entry requirements. They usually base these on their own internal policies, but preferences may also count.

What are the requirements to study in the UK in 2022?

Following Brexit, things have become more complicated for those looking to study at universities in Great Britain. More complicated, but not necessarily impossible. This being said, here is what you need in order to be able to attend the UK university of your choice:

  • Student visa
  • IDs
  • Qualifications
  • Entrance Tests
  • Language proficency
  • Interviews
  • References
  • Additional Requirements

UK student visa requirements

This might just be the toughest requirement. Following Brexit, things have become more complicated in Great Britain, in regards to immigration. But you can still apply for a student visa if you are 16 or older. If you also have been offered a place on a course by a licensed student sponsor, if you have the funds needed to pay for the course and if you can speak, read, write and understand English, your student visa will be approved.

According to, it costs £348 to apply for a Student visa from outside the UK and £475 to extend or switch to a Student visa from inside the UK. If you apply from outside the UK, the earliest you can do so is 6 months before you start your course. You will get a decision within 3 weeks. If you apply from inside the UK, the earliest you can do so is 3 months before the start of your course. Within 8 weeks you will receive a decision.

Once your visa is approved, you will be able to study in the UK and even work.

One good thing about the student visa program is that, if you or a close family member started living in the UK before 1 January 2021, you may be able to apply for the free EU Settlement Scheme. However, the deadline for this is 30 June 2021. So, if you haven’t applied for it yet, you need to hurry and apply!

What types of IDs are required to be able to study in the UK

Having an ID is of course extremely important. You won’t be able to apply for anything if you can’t present a document that identifies you in an acceptable way. So, you will definitely need your personal ID or a passport. Make sure that you have those with you and that you have copies of them. It doesn’t matter if you meet all the other requirements to study in the UK in 2022. If you don’t have your ID with you, you won’t get in.

You have to show that you are qualified

Ambitious students may be looking to attend Oxford or Cambridge. These are awesome universities, some of the best in the world. However, not everyone can get in. In order to do so, you must show that you have what it takes to be there. Your academic qualifications and grades from previous education will count a lot here. They will determine if you are approved for your chosen University or course.

That’s why it’s always best to phone first and ask the University what are the requirements to join. This way, you won’t waste any time and you will be able to either better prepare for the university you like or to choose a university that is right for you.

There are going to be tests!

You might not want to hear this, but most UK universities require students to take tests in order to filter out the best candidates from all applicants. The best advice we can give you here is to not look at this requirement as a deal breaker. It is just one more hurdle, at best. And you can definitely overcome it.

If you study and prepare yourself, you won’t have any problem with the test. And remember, it’s all up to you here. It all depends on how good you are and on nothing else.

Language proficiency

UK universities look for students who are able to speak the English language and understand the materials taught in courses. If you apply, you will probably be tested here as well.

UK universities use various standardized tests, such as IELTS, TOEFL and UCLES. Don’t underestimate these tests. They are extremely important and be the difference between you being accepted or not. So make sure that you get the best possible score. In fact, if you score high enough, it will add points to your application, making the registration process much easier.


Interviews are extremely important in today’s world. This is another form of test, but it’s much more personal. It allows the university to get to know you on a personal level.

During the interview, the commission will want to understand your motivations and goals, to see if they are compatible with the desired courses. Be honest and open, and make sure that you leave nothing out.

One important note regarding interviews. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, interviews can now be held online, through Skype.


You’re going to have to go through interviews and tests when you’ll be out there, job hunting. Your future employer will most likely ask you for references. So it only makes sense that UK universities also ask to see these.

A good reference will offer you an edge so make sure that you ask your teachers for letters of recommendation. Bring these with you to the interview. Don’t forget about them, don’t ignore them. Large numbers of European students apply to join UK universities each year so you will definitely face a lot of competition.

Additional Requirements

In some cases, universities might ask you for additional documents. You might have to pay extra fees or to get insurance. Fortunately, you can as student recruitment agencies such as Atlantic London for help. Our services are free and our experts know exactly what you need and what you need to do in order to successfully apply to join a university.

We can help you get your documents in order and avoid any unnecessary stress so that you can focus on tests and interviews. We can also help you receive financing from the government. These funds, which are available to all European students, will allow you to study and enjoy your time in Great Britain without worrying about your finances.

 You can check to see if you’re eligible to receive financing from the state by clicking here. 

Final word

These are the requirements to study in the UK in 2022. It might not be easy, it might take a lot of work, but you will definitely not regret studying in Great Britain. Not only will you have the best time of your life, but, once you finish, you will get a diploma that will be recognised all over the world and that will allow you to turn your dreams into reality.

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