
What European Students need to know about the UK

Great Britain is no longer part of the European Union. But this does not mean that it is no longer part of the European community. Even now, the UK is extremely popular with other Europeans, who either visit it for business, for pleasure or for both. Most importantly, Great Britain remains extremely popular with European students who, every year, apply to study at numerous of the queen’s universities.

To come to their aid, we have put together this short guide, that will help all european students learn exactly what they need in order to better adapt themselves to life in the UK. So, if you’re a European student, here’s what you need to know.

Just like all of Europe, Great Britain is an old country, full of culture and history

It’s really no wonder that so many european students choose to study in the UK. Great Britain is as full of history and culture as all the other European countries. So adapting to it wouldn’t really be that hard. Most importantly, the UK is one of the best places on planet Earth for education. It has a long history in this field, being home to some of the best and first universities in the world located. We’re talking of course about the famous Oxford and Cambridge. And they are not the only important universities in the UK.

But there’s also the culture, unique and special and fun. Great Britain is not all about that afternoon tea. Most of the time it’s about grabbing a cold beer at the pub with your mates. This is probably the best definition of modern Britain: the best place in the world to be young. You can have fun, you can meet new people, you can spend time with your friends at the pub, and you can also learn. The UK offers numerous opportunities that will ensure you never get bored.

The best education system in Europe

European students also know that the UK has the best education system in Europe. In fact, its education system is recognized around the world as top class. Comprehensive and adaptable, it is exactly what modern young people require.

In England, you don’t waste time. You go to university, and you learn, and you gain a lot of practical knowledge. As most european students who have studies in foreign countries know, this is not the case everywhere. In a lot of countries, universities require you to spend a lot of time studying to gain a lot of theoretical knowledge that you never use in the end. Not in the UK. If you attend one of the universities here, you can be sure that, later in life, you’ll definitely use those things that you learn during your courses.

And the best part is that the UK education system keeps improving. Every year, it gets better and better, thanks to the Quality Assurance Agency, an agency whose mission is to evaluate the quality of colleges and universities and to offer feedback. This is why Britain offers today such a modern education system and why it is so attractive for modern European students.

And we also need to talk about the diploma.If you graduate at a university or college in the UK, your diploma will be recognized all over the world, and in Europe especially. European companies are looking for bright, adaptable, energetic and young employees who are multilingual. With your diploma from a UK university, you can rest assured that you will have no problem in finding a job in Europe. No matter the country or the industry.

European students can even study for free in the UK

Another reason why the UK is top choice for so many European students is the fact that the British government is so involved in education. In order to help students, the government offers important loans that can be used to cover tuition and other expenses. What’s important is that these loans are accessible to both native-born students and European students.

And getting the loan is not hard at all. If you’re a student coming from any country in Europe and you ar not familiar with the way things work in Great Britain, you can hire a student recruitment company to take care of the registration process for you. These companies work closely with universities in order to match the best possible students with the best possible universities and the best possible courses. That’s why their services are free for students.

Not only will they help you find the best University for you and to register, but they will also help you get the student loan from offered by the British government. Atlantic London is one such company. With more than 10 years of experience in the student recruitment industry, it is now the largest company of its kind in the London area. So, if you’re a European student looking to study in the UK, give us a call and let’s start this new and exciting adventure together!

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